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  • Hyperspectral imaging


  • Advanced materials
  • Life Sciences

Leverage the Power of Hyperspectral Microscopy

IMA is a hyperspectral microscope delivering spectral and spatial information from 400 nm to 1620 nm in one single instrument. By combining a scientific grade VIS, NIR, and/or SWIR microscope with Photon etc patented imaging filter, extensive optical characterization can be achieved on a wide variety of materials. Our hyperspectral imaging microscope is capable of acquiring millions of data points in a single snapshot and rapidly maps photoluminescence (PL), electroluminescence (EL), fluorescence, reflectance, and transmittance. IMA offers the flexibility to be configured as either a brightfield or a darkfield hyperspectral microscope. Moreover, based on high throughput imaging filters, IMA is a faster and more efficient hyperspectral imaging system than standard point-by-point scanning systems.

PL monochromatic images of Perovskite crystals excited at the equivalent power of 10 suns with spectra from regions of Perovskite crystals designated by the blue and red targets.

IMA Applications Overview

  • Perform complex material analyses such as solar cell characterization, nanomaterials, and semiconductor quality control by means of hyperspectral microscopy (PL, EL).
  • Study novel IR markers in complex environments including live cells and tissue through Photon etc’s hyperspectral SWIR microscope.
  • Take advantage of a darkfield hyperspectral microscope to reveal nanoparticle properties on transparent, unstained samples, such as polymers, crystals, and living cells.

Welcome the future of hyperspectral microscopy with IMA – a precise and efficient partner in your exciting scientific journey.

Product Specifications

Technical Specifications
Spectral range 400-1000 nm 900-1620 nm
Spectral resolution (FWHM) < 2 nm < 4 nm
Spectral channels Continuously tunable Continuously tunable
Spatial resolution Sub-micron - limited by the microscope objective NA Sub-micron - limited by the microscope objective NA
Camera CCD, EMCCD, sCMOS Photon etc. InGaAs camera (ZephIR™ 1.7 or Alizé™ 1.7)
Excitation wavelengths (up to 3 lasers) 405, 447, 532, 561, 660, 730, 785, 808 nm (other wavelenghts available upon request) 405, 447, 532, 561, 660, 730, 785, 808 nm (other wavelenghts available upon request)
Microscope Upright or inverted, scientific grade Upright or inverted, scientific grade
White light illumination Diascopic, episcopic, Hg, halogen Diascopic, episcopic, Hg, halogen
Illumination options Epifluorescence module, darkfield module (oil or dry) Epifluorescence module, darkfield module (oil or dry)



ASU Core Facilities Equipment Showcase: Photon etc. Hyperspectral Microscope

From mapping compositions to identifying defects, discover below how ASU Core Research Facilities are leveraging our IMA for their research in solar cell characterization, nanomaterials, and semiconductor.

Hyperspectral Characterization of Next-Generation Solar Cells and LEDs

This video shows how spectrally and spatially resolved PL and EL maps can help identify defects, losses, and uniformity in advanced materials. A hyperspectral photoluminescence demonstration is performed on large grain perovskite crystals.

Photon etc.’s Global Imaging Technology

This video shows the conceptual difference between hyperspectral global imaging and raster scan (line scan, pushbroom). With global imaging, only a few monochromatic images are required to obtain a hyperspectral cube of data (X-Y spatial, Z spectral). With raster scan technologies, a spectrum needs to be acquired on each point/line within the desired field of view.

IMA - Hyperspectral Microscope

From solar cells to live cell imaging, this global hyperspectral microscope, IMA, rapidly provides spectrally and spatially resolved maps in the VIS, NIR and SWIR ranges. Hyperspectral fluorescence, photoluminescence, electroluminescence, reflectance and transmittance measurements can be obtained. Darkfield and brightfield modalities are available.

Silicon Carbide Defect Characterization

This video shows how various types of defects in SiC can easily be detected using electroluminescence maps obtained with Photon etc’s hyperspectral imaging system, IMA. Offering spectrally resolved images, Photon etc’s hyperspectral imaging technology improves advanced material development capacities.

See the difference firsthand: Test your samples with Photon etc.

Want to see how our products perform with your specific samples? Experience the precision and innovation of Photon etc. cameras for yourself. Send us your samples and let our advanced imaging systems do the talking.

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