Photon etc. wins the Quantum Photonics call for proposals "Ultra Sensitive Spectroscopy System for Quantum Photonics" launched by Innovative Solutions Canada (CIS)
It is with great pride that we announce the award of a contract with Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC), following the recent Call for Proposals of Quantum Photonics "Ultra-sensitive spectroscopy system for quantum photonics". The purpose of this call was to establish and validate state-of-the-art technical innovations allowing the imaging and spectral analysis of weak SWIR optical signals appearing in quantum photonics technologies, including the development of photon sources.
The awarded contract is for our IR VIVO SynIRgy that includes two imaging modalities: visible (quantum) and fluorescence (NIR-II) developed by our life scientists and covers a wide optical range from 400 to 1700 nm, with high sensitivity (quantum level) of photon detection (1-1000 photons/cm2/sec), and a configuration suitable for imaging of tissues and live animals.