RRL Solar
- Pérovskite
Perovskite Mini-Module Voltage Loss Quantification and Analysis by Large-Scale Hyperspectral Photoluminescence Imaging
Auteurs Alexandra Levtchenko, Pilar Lopez-Varo, Marion Provost, Karim Medjoubi, Jean Rousset, Daniel Ory
Perovskite-based solar cells have been extensively studied by the scientific community over the past decade and they are currently a very promising technology to be integrated into tandem perovskite module, for example, associated with silicon solar cells. However, one of the challenges lies in the upscaling of the production of perovskite solar cells from small laboratory-scale cells (<1 cm2) to larger modules. In this context, there is considerable interest in extending the analysis previously conducted on a micrometer or millimeter scale to a larger scale. In this work, for the first time, full-sample size hyperspectral absolutely calibrated photoluminescence (PL) imaging applied to 16 cm2 perovskite semitransparent mini-modules is introduced. Herein, the inhomogeneities in PL emission observed between the different cells are investigated, highlighting shunt mechanisms and ion migration effects, as well as quantifying and evaluating the origins of the voltage losses. The impact of these inhomogeneities on device performance and stability is also addressed.