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Journal of Materials Chemistry A
- Pérovskite
Compositional and interfacial engineering for improved light stability of flexible wide-bandgap perovskite solar cells
Lire la suiteSmall Science
- Nanotubes de carbone
Programming-Assisted Imaging of Cellular Nitric Oxide Efflux Gradients and Directionality via Carbon Nanotube Sensors
Lire la suiteAdvanced Nanobiomed Research
- Oncologie
Detection of Estrogen Receptor Status in Breast Cancer Cytology Samples by an Optical Nanosensor
Lire la suiteACS Energy Letters
- Pérovskite
Optimised graphene-oxide-based interconnecting layer in all-perovskite tandem solar cells
Lire la suiteSpringerNature
- Pérovskite